What is #MyBKJourney?

What is #MyBKJourney?

Calling all Baby K’tan parents who just can’t live without their BK carriers! We are looking for you to share your stories! How does your Baby K’tan Baby Carrier help you bond with your baby? Do you have a unique circumstance that has made babywearing essential to your child’s care? Has babywearing simplified your daily life and allowed you to get stuff done?! Because, let’s be real, we know parents have a lot to get done. Share your day-to-day adventures on social media using the hashtag #MyBKJourney and you could get featured  on the Baby K’tan Blog or on our social channels. Don’t forget to tag us at #sgbabyktan#babyktansingapore #happycoastkids too! There are so many ways you can share.  Does wearing your baby help you squeeze in some much needed self-care like having a cup of coffee, reading a book or putting on some lotion? If self-care is wrong, we don’t want to be right! We hope you are making it a part of your daily routine. Do you love to travel around the world while wearing your baby? Show us where you have been and where you are going! Maybe you are encouraging your special needs child to meet their milestones through babywearing, like our founders. We want to hear from you! Share your story and imagery using the hashtag #MyBKJourney on social media and tag us. We may feature you throughout 2018 on our blog and social. We want parents to be inspired to get out in the world, encourage healthy bonding and development, to not feel limited in their daily lives and see the many ways they can live their...
Happy Coast Turns 3!

Happy Coast Turns 3!

We turn three today! What a journey it has been! Step by step, little by little, we got here. And bit by bit we will keep moving forward! .   .   . It was a great day to turn three as it coincided with the rare natural phenomenon of the Super Blue Blood Moon. I gathered my kids up for a late night picnic and they happily sat under the night sky, munching on Chinese New Year goodies that I had just brought back that day. It was my hope that I would be able to juggle the business and family, and I must say, at times it was a real struggle. But I learned one very important thing last year – to be kind to myself. There are a million and one things I want to do, a million and one things I need do, but only so many things that I can actually do each day. Prioritising is a skill I’m still learning and practicing. I’ve not done too badly, but I think I can do better!       One of the best things about running this business has been the opportunity to meet new people, and re-connect with people I know through various walks of life. I’m always amazed at how all our paths criss-cross one another’s. I love talking to my customers and hearing about how the Baby K’tan has helped them so much, I love talking to my retailers and getting to know them, and I love talking to other business owners, with mumpreneurs being a unique breed because we share many of the same struggles. I have...
Baby K’tan User Reviews

Baby K’tan User Reviews

Holy mother of all inventions! LOVE THIS THING. Love it! This thing has it all – easy on the back, easy to use, comfy and soft natural jersey knit cotton – throw it in the wash and dry it. Perfect for newborns through preschool. I have Astrid in here for most of the day and she just snoozes and nurses. Seriously, your product ROCKS my world. (Tracy Morrison) I LOVE IT! It’s become my everyday, go-to carrier of choice. So many people ask me about it when I’m out and about with my 18lb, 6-month-old. It’s comfortable for hours at a time and is so easy to use. I feel like I get the comfort of a wrap, without all the fuss. So much easier to take on and off when it is time to nurse. (Kendra) I wear my son in a Baby K’tan and I love it! I have Lupus and it is the only one that does not hurt my body. I have mothers stop me every day and ask me about it and I demonstrate it for them. Thank You so much! (Charity) I want to tell you how much I love using my baby k’tan. My 4 month old daughter absolutely loves being in there, and calms down instantly when inside it. Perfect when we are out and she’s tired or overstimulated. She will drift off peacefully to sleep within minutes. My husband requested that I get him one too. (we are different sizes) I’m going to pick up another this week. I tell all my friends that they NEED one. Thanks for making such a wonderful carrier. It really has changed my life and improved my...
Baby K’tan Awards

Baby K’tan Awards

Award Winning Baby Carrier We love Baby K’tan’s products and are so proud to share with you a selection of the awards that Baby K’tan Wrap Carriers and Diaper Bags have won! We will continue to update this list as the awards come in. Gugu Guru Top Recommended – 2020 Gugu Guru Pick – 2019  Experienced Mommy Award – 2019 Baby & Children’s Product News – 2019Children’s & Product News asked their readers what their favorite baby sling was and Baby K’tan was the #1 choice!  Verywell Family Best Baby Wraps and Slings – 2019        2018 TTPM Best of Baby WinnerThe Baby K’tan Weekender Diaper Bag was selected by TTPM as the winner in their 2018 Best of Baby Awards in the diaper bag category.     Babylist Best – 2019Baby K’tan is a winner in the 2019 Babylist Best Awards! Babylist asked thousands of parents to share their top 3 baby products and Babylist selected the top votes. 2018 What To Expect Awards FinalistBaby K’tan is a finalist in the 2018 WTE Awards Baby Carrier category – Baby K’tan Original Baby Carrier – and Diaper Bag category – Weekender Diaper Bag. 2018 NYBS Best In Show The New York Baby Show selected their Best In Show brands by a panel of industry experts. The five Best In Show winners and five honorable mentions from the 2018 New York Baby Show represent the best in innovative and excellent baby and maternity products and services. 2018 BCPN Reader’s FavoriteThe Baby K’tan Baby Carrier is a 2018 Reader’s Favorites in Baby & Children’s Product News, #3 in the Baby Sling category. 2018 The...
Platinum & Gold Awards in 2016

Platinum & Gold Awards in 2016

And the 2016 haul keeps on coming. The Baby K’tan Wrap Carrier was award the Platinum Award for Best Babysling and the Gold Award for Best Baby Wrap in the 2016 Loved By Parents poll.                                  To sum up, these are just some of the awards won so far – note the 2016 additions, including an interesting one on space saving products. With Baby K’tans small size and light weight, it was a shoo-in for the Best Space Saving Carrier 2016. BABYLIST Best, 2016 Babylist asked thousands of parents for their favorite baby product and chose the 50 best of 2016, including the Baby K’tan Baby Carrier! TTPM’s Best of Baby, 2016 Baby K’tan BREEZE selected Best Baby Carrier in the 2016 Best of Baby TTPM Awards. LBP Awards, 2016 Baby K’tan received the Platinum Award in the Best Babysling category 2016 Loved By Parents Awards. LBP Awards, 2016 Baby K’tan received the Gold Award in the Best Baby Wrap category 2016 Loved By Parents 2016. Mumii, 2016 Baby K’tan shortlisted for Best Baby & Toddler Gear Awards 2016 (Best Baby Carrier Category) in the UK. Baby Center, 2016 Baby K’tan voted best Space Saving carrier in the 2016 Moms’ Pick Awards. BabyList Best, 2015 Baby K’tan voted in the top 5 Best Baby Carriers by 8,ooo BabyList Parents. The Bump, 2015 Baby K’tan Active Carrier voted #1 in the Best for Baby Awards by The Bump. BCPN Reader’s Fave, 2015 Sling Category 2nd place. Baby & Children Product News, Reader’s Choice. Mommy Mundo, 2015...
Mum’s Calling Baby K’tan Carrier Review

Mum’s Calling Baby K’tan Carrier Review

Karen, a mum of three, tries the Baby K’tan Wrap Carrier and has fallen in love with baby wrapping again! She uses the K’tan at home and when she’s out. “The Baby K’tan carrier has bagged many awards and won the hearts of many Mummies. It awed me with how easy and comfortably Juboy can sit and sleep in it. He does get some quality naps in there. It feels really close and well snugged for the both of us and you won’t believe that I use it in the home during his cranky moments too. Just so I can free up my hands to blog. Ha!” Thanks Karen for the lovely review! Read her review...